How To Vote
How to vote for your favorite fingerboarder in Fingerboard of The Year 2024.
Jika Anda ingin berpartisipasi dalam kategori Trick of the Year (TOTY), ikuti langkah-langkah berikut untuk mengirimkan video Anda: Langkah Submission TOTY 1.Unggah Video di Instagram Unggah video single trick Anda di akun Instagram dengan hashtag #PJTRICKOFTHEYEAR2024. Pastikan video diunggah dalam periode 28 Oktober – 20 November 2024. 2. Daftar di Website Resmi Setelah video diunggah, kunjungi
If you have any questions or need more information about Fingerboard – Fingerboard of the Year 2024, please contact us here.
Candidates are rookie fingerboarders who have been active for the last 1-2 years, selected by the committee.
Fingerboarder of the Year (FOTY)Candidates for the FOTY category will be selected by the committee based on their contribution, performance, and innovation in the fingerboard community throughout the year.
The first nationwide event was held in 2009 under the name The Kings of Fingerboarding (TKOF), which has since become a major annual event that brings together fingerboarders across Indonesia.